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NetCopy Menu
NetCopy restore example
apollo $ netc dka0:[engineering]*.bck gemini::"6300BCK\" /log/port=8020 %NETCOPY-I-VERSION, NetCopy AXP Version 4.0-6 Level D starting on  6-MAY-2013 12:21:13.15     connecting to: GEMINI at on port 8020 %NETCOPY-I-SERVER, Connection established from on Mon May 06 2013 at 12:39:13 PM %NETCOPY-I-SERVER, path C:\VMSfiles\Engineering\6300BCK\ will be used to store files %NETCOPY-I-SERVER, Creating File C:\VMSfiles\Engineering\6300BCK\6300PRODUCT.BCK %NETCOPY-S-COPIED, Copied DKA0:[ENGINEERING]6300PRODUCT.BCK;3                        NetCopy Statistics Elapsed Time:      00:00:03.15         CPU Time:      0:00:02.68 Buffered I/O:              207         Direct I/O:           177 Virtual Memory Used:      4208         Page Faults:          179 10711 blocks (1 input file) compressed to 8801 blocks 1910 blocks saved (17.8 percent reduction) apollo $ apollo $ apollo $ netc gemini::"6300BCK\6300PRODUCT.BCK" []/log/restore/port=8020 %NETCOPY-I-VERSION, NetCopy AXP Version 4.0-6 Level D starting on  6-MAY-2013 12:21:41.78     connecting to: GEMINI at on port 8020 %NETCOPY-I-SERVER, Connection established from on Mon May 06 2013 at 12:39:42 PM %NETCOPY-I-SERVER, path C:\VMSfiles\Engineering\6300BCK\ will be used to retrieve files %NETCOPY-I-COPY, Copying File 6300PRODUCT.BCK %NETCOPY-S-COPIED, Copied DKA0:[ENGINEERING]6300PRODUCT.BCK;4                        NetCopy Statistics Elapsed Time:      00:00:03.54         CPU Time:      0:00:00.74 Buffered I/O:              724         Direct I/O:           352 Virtual Memory Used:      3888         Page Faults:          110 apollo $
This example shows NetCopy commands to copy an OpenVMS Backup saveset from OpenVMS to Windows and then copy the saveset back to OpenVMS so that the OpenVMS file characteristics are preserved and the saveset can be read by OpenVMS Backup.